Max Employment

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Phone: 0439 714 406

Address: 314 Thomas Street Dandenong VIC, 3175



MAX Solutions is a national organisation that delivers employment, health and training services, best known for its work as the employment service provider, MAX Employment. Offers solutions to support individuals, business and the Australian Government achieve outcomes that benefit the community. MAX Employment assists Australian job seekers under contracts with the Australian Government including: jobactive, Disability Employment Services, Remote Jobs and Communities Program and Indigenous Employment Programs. Using an integrated approach we address barriers to employment and provide job seekers with relevant health and training interventions. We also work with employers to find and recruit the right candidate.


Full Description

MAX Solutions is a national organisation that delivers employment, health and training services, best known for its work as the employment service provider, MAX Employment. Offers solutions to support individuals, business and the Australian Government achieve outcomes that benefit the community. MAX Employment assists Australian job seekers under contracts with the Australian Government including: jobactive, Disability Employment Services, Remote Jobs and Communities Program and Indigenous Employment Programs. Using an integrated approach we address barriers to employment and provide job seekers with relevant health and training interventions. We also work with employers to find and recruit the right candidate.

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